Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Running Again

Yes, I'm running again after almost two months of hiatus!  My blogging break however was longer at 3 months .

So, what happened during the past 2-3 months?

During March, I joined my second half-marathon organized by Coach Rio - the leg 1 of the RunRio Trilogy/Run United Series (composed of 3 legs).   I was able to break my record by 20 seconds (hehe, i know I'm still a noob!).  My motivation is the medal/s cum puzzle.  The first medal is actually a part of a medal puzzle which can be completed if you run in all the three legs in the category 21k/21k/32k or 21k/21k/21k.

I also bought new running shoes with matching new running socks!  I bought the shoes on my hubby's birthday (mean right?  instead of buying him a gift i bought myself one!).

Bye K-Swiss, Hello Asics!!!

On April and May, we had a grand time in enjoying the summer.  We went to Misibis Bay (fantastic but expensive place!)

Then, off to Samar for a 2-week vacation.   It was really an awesome vacation though I wasn't able to do some running!

And late May, I was back to the fabulous world of running.  I had joined 3 races so far...

10K at Greenfield Run for Clean Air (Paseo de Sta. Rosa)
12K at Brooks Run Happy (BGC, Taguig)

21K for Run United 2 (BGC to MOA)
I could not find any picture of me after scanning the gazillion Run United 2 pictures. Though it took me three (3) hours to finish 21K, I enjoyed the race due to cool weather.  Alas, I did very minimal walking!  Hubby came back to me again after he completed his 21k.  It was really a surprise seeing him barefoot.

He ran barefoot at 16K mark & ran an additional 5K after finishing the race!